Meant to take you from wash day to style The Trio starts with our shampoo shots. Bringing a mint, tingling feeling to your scalp to cleanse and refresh your scalp. After you’ve enjoyed your shampoo experience and thoroughly conditioned and blow-dried your hair we can move on to our BMO. This Black Magic Oil is a combination of moisturizing and scalp stimulating greatness that you've always needed. Last of The Trio is your rose gold oil. She’s the finisher!
This combination and process help moisturize the ends of your hair and reduce the likelihood of split ends. You use her on the ends of your hair, with or without a protective style.
These three products can really change wash day for you. And in real life, we ALL want to fall back in love with our hair!
1- .5oz Shampoo shot
1- 2oz Black Magic Oil
1- 2oz Rose Gold Oil